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We are currently looking to hire a few trap kids to help run sporting clays this season. Contact us for more info.

Sporting Clay Clubhouse Phone: (920) 757-0640


Amanda Vanden Bosch (920)-450-0320


Sporting Clays is open January - August. The course closes in September for the rest of the calendar year. 

Open Saturdays and Sundays 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Course is open to the public

Fees: members $17 per round, non-members $20 per round

Our course will be closed for the following dates in 2024:

  • March 31 - Easter

  • May 4-5 - Archery 3D Weekend

  • May 12 - Mothers Day

  • May 25-26 - Memorial Day holiday weekend

  • June 15-16 - Archery 3D Weekend

  • July 13-14 - Archery 3D Weekend

  • August 17-18 - Archery 3D Weekend

  • Aug 31-Sep 1 - Labor Day holiday weekend


Sporting clays offers a 12 station 50 round course.

White, Red, and Blue Course options.

Summer Course: May – September

Winter Course: January – April


Starts 1st Saturday in January, last day of league is Mid-April (Varies by Year)

League fee is $30; must also be a TCRGC Member to join.

League consists of 12 Rounds – 5 white, 4 red, and 3 blue

League party with Fun Day Shoots and Prizes at end of League Year (April 27, 2024).

All League Rounds MUST be shot with another League member.

All rounds must be completed to be eligible for prizes and must be completed by Apirl 21, 2024.

Sporting Clays Calendar
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