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2022 3D & String Shoot

How Does A String Shoot Work?

Follow the String

You'll follow along a string wound around posts in the ground. Be careful - once you've stepped forward, you can't step back!

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Locate the Target

It's up to you to find the target. Only shoot the targets with a red number tag on the target - beware of decoys!

Choose Your Shot

It's also up to you to pick the best shot. Don't be afraid to take a knee, and remember - you can't back up!

What Else Can You Expect?


All For Fun

You'll see some non-typical ways we challenge our shooters. Remember, it's all about having fun!


Unique Shots

You never know where you might find your next target at this event.



Risk/Reward Opportunities

Earn bonus points for taking more challenging shots!
(Alternate targets available for kids.)

Register anytime between 8 am - 3 pm either day.
30 targets, Unmarked yardage/no rangefinders

Adults - $12

Juniors (15-17) - $10
Cadets (12-14) - $5
Cubs (11 and under) - Free

Food & refreshments will also be available for purchase.


Be sure to give our pop-ups a try!

Shoot as many times as you want for a chance at prizes.


$10/first round, $5/each additional round

Never shot pop-ups before? Check out our system here!

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